DIVYA MUSIC - The Global School of Music and Dance
Divya Music school India conducts regular classes & online lessons for global students to learn playing musical instruments Violin, Tabla, Dholak, Veena, Sitar, Guitar, Indian Flute, Bansuri, Dhol, Esraj, Tanpura, Sarod, Pakhawaj, Harmonium, Mridangam, Ghatam, Keyboard, Synthesizer, Drum, Santoor, Dilruba, Shehnai, Jaltarang, Piano ...More »
Divya Music & dance school India conducts regular classes & online dance lessons to learn dancing Indian classical styles - Bharat Natyam, Kathak, Odissi, Kuchipudi, Manipuri, Mohiniyattam. Folk dance forms - Bhangra, Raas Dandiya, Garba. Global dances - Hip hop, Jazz, Tap, Salsa, Fitness - Slimming dance, Bollywood dance...More»
Divya Music school India conducts regular vocal classes & online singing lessons for voice training to sing Hindustani Classical, Indian Carnatic Vocal, Western, Light Vocal - Ghazals, Bhajans, Gurbani, Spritual Chants, Rabindra Sangeet, Bollywood Songs & Indian Folk Songs - Bhojpuri, Pandawani, Garhwali, Punjabi ...More »
Divya Music School India conducts online class lessons for global students facilitating one - on - one learning in Vocal & Instrumental music and dance styles from Indian music gurus - teachers as an affordable and effective distance music and dance learning program...More »
Divya Music school India offers opportunities for the global music and dance students and performers to learn, practice, explore and celebrate the blessed creativity through the musical events and the dance events organized in India and all over the world...More »
FAQs on DM Live Core Online class lessons :
Online Music Class Lessons by Divya Music - CLICK HERE
Online Dance Class Lessons by Divya Music - CLICK HERE
FAQs on general enquiries:
» I feel that the number of classes in a month offered by you is very less. Will I be able to learn Music or Dance with regular or online class schedule of 45 minutes class / week? Can i get increased number of classes or get extra classes for practicing with my teacher?
Music School India - It is not the number of classes which matters but it is the quality of music or dance training, standards of education which matter the most. Practice of vocal music, instrumental music and dance styles is always 20% of the time devoted in taking guidance from your music teacher or dance teacher / Guru and 80% of the time must be devoted to self practice (Riyaz) of whatever is learnt from the Guru. State of near perfection with music and dance requires practice and patience; it is a steady process of learning and practice under Teacher�s guidance. The 45 minutes class / week is the proven healthy pace of learning the performing arts, rest is all maximum possible practice and devotion.
You can get additional music and dance classes with your teacher for the practice purpose, your options would be 2 or 3 classes / week (8 or 12 classes / month). The extra classes are helpful for the live practice with your teacher and is good option only for the students who find it hard to practice alone and need an able guidance. Please contact Divya Music office for further details on extra classes and the fee cost of the extra lessons.
» How can I select the music and dance courses? Do you help in selection of music / dance courses? Do you provide music tuitions at home or dancing tuitions at home or help in selecting a music tutor or dance guru for at home classes and the online classes?
Music School India - On receiving your admission inquiry for music learning courses and dance learning courses we will assist you in assessing your levels and will advice you on the music courses or dance course most suitable for you. For further details on the certificate, diploma, bachelor, master and doctorate � graduate and post graduation level courses in music and dance offered by Divya Music please visit: Courses and Fees
We do organize the vocal music tuitions, instrumental music tuitions and dance tuitions at home. If you are looking for a well qualified vocal music teacher, instrumental music tutor � a famous instructor or Indian classical dance guru, we can assist you in your search to find the best music guru, a western dance tutor or an instrumental music instructor online. For further assistance you are welcome to contact the counselor at Divya Music : contact Divya Music
» What is the affordable fees schedule for the Regular and Online Music and Dance learning courses? What could be the cheaper method to pay for the online music and dance courses fees?
Music School India - To know about the music and dance course costs, school fees payments schedule details please visit: Courses Description and Fees. The cheapest method of music course fee payment for online music learning and regular music and dance lessons price you can visit the online admissions and search for different methods of sending the payments. Electronic money transfer is almost free of charge attracting the least banking charges; all the other methods of payment attract a certain transaction fee. If you need any further assistance or details on our bank account for fee transactions, you are welcome to contact the music school at Divya Music : contact Divya Music
» I think learning music or singing is difficult for me at an advanced age, how many years it will take for me to sing fluently? Can I overcome my hesitations and become a good singer or a well known musician?
Music School India - Learning music is easy, singing is easier> than anything else because it is absolutely natural to sing, once you gather confidence and win over the initial hesitation of how to sing in front of others or singing in a community or singing with group of known / unknown persons or when facing people or singing performance in public places you can become a great singer or musician irrespective of your age. It all depends on your positive attitudes, practice and devotion to vocal music. If you practice the vocal music lessons or instrumental music lessons well and have good concentration then may be within six months or within one year you may learn to singin the right way. For the people who are introvert, experience shyness or any hesitation in learning music or learning dance, starting with the private music classes or private dance lessons and E-learning option of online music classes would be better options. For further details please visit : Adult Music learners and E-learning � online music classes
» I am an Indian musician living in England; I am interested in opening Divya Music Franchise center in London, UK to teach Indian music - Hindustani vocal music, Carnatic vocal music, Instrumental music and Indian classical dances. Do you offer Divya Music franchise in foreign countries?
Music School India - Divya Music franchise is available for foreign countries for conducting certificate level hobby courses in Music and dance.
» What is the process of admission in the online music and dance courses? What if i do not want to join any formal fixed duration courses (certificate or diploma level courses and do not have to face the examinations) but i am passionate to learn and i wish to learn music or dance just for the 'JOY OF LEARNING' and continue learning for unlimited time, do you have an option fot it and what would be the monthly fee?
The single step process of admission is available online and is simple and easy. You have to fill in the required details in the online admission form on the website and send it. You have an option for learning your passion for any specific dance / music form, for an unlimited duration and not to take admission and examination in any particular course. You can enjoy learning music or dance for whatever period of time you wish and is convenient for you. The monthly fee for this option remains the same as the fee for the regular courses, only the admission fee will not be applicable.
» Can I get a job after completing the music or dance courses at Divya Music? What are my career options? I am an arts school student Can I learn music or take dancing lessons along with with my regular study at college / University?
Music School India - Yes, the diploma / bachelor / Doctorate courses education offered by Divya music are the career orienbted courses and help in your career in music or career in dance. On finishing your music / dance educational courses at Divya Music, you can appear for the music exams and dance examinations and earn your diploma / degree from the examination body and can later apply for your desired job in music and dance. Your career options may be to work as freelance music teacher, a dance guru or join a music school / music academy, dance school, music production house, music recording company, events Management Company, film industry (music director / singer / dancer in movies), stage show artist, entertainment parks, stage shows, magic shows, choreographer, musical orchestra, radio, television etc.
You can join and continue the music and dance career courses along with your regular studies at the school / college / university level. For further details you are welcome to contact the counselor at Divya Music: contact Divya Music
» Where can I buy music and dance theory books and musical instruments on lower prices for my instrumental music courses at Divya Music? Are these available on discounted sale or with credit card installment options? Can I buy used (second hand) music instruments?
Music School India - Divya Music Academy provided fee learning material as E-books / books to the foreign based E-learning program students taking online class lessons. As an India student taking online classes you can easily buy the books and musical instruments related to your course and interest at your local book shop / music instruments shop. For your convenience Divya Music has an online music E-store at DIVYA MUSIC with widest range of educational books on Music, books on Dance and music instruments. Being a music student / dance student at Divya Music you can get attractive discounts, low budget buyer options and nterest free installment payments (credit) facility. You can buy the vocal music books, instrumental music books, dance books, music and dance instructions - lessons DVDs / CDs, Indian and western music instruments, music gadgets, complete range of dance accessories for kids, children, young adults, ladies and gentlemen and virtually everything on dance and music online through our websites : www.divyamusic.com and www.divyasangeet.com
You can buy the used musical instruments (with warranty or without warranty) directly from the individual or institutional sellers at the above mentioned websites.
» When can my kids start learning music in the music classes for children organized by Divya Music?
Music School India - School kids can get admission at Divya Music to learn music at an age of 5 years, the school children can learn how to sing and natural singing in vocal music classes, kids can learn how to play musical instruments like table, violin, guitar, keyboard etc. in instrumental music classes and can learn Indian classical dances like Kathak, Bharat Natyam, Kuchipudi lessons etc. in the dancing classes. The admissions for regular diploma music courses and diploma dance courses at Divya Music open from first week of May to September each year and the teaching for regular diploma classes start in the month of July. The admissions for the certificate in music and dance courses, hobby classes and E-learning - online music classes are open all through the year. For details please visit: Admission
» Do you offer Music E-learning, How can I learn music and dance through online music classes and online dance classes?
Music School India - Yes, Divya Music offers DM Live Core � the advanced online music classes for learning vocal music online (Hindustani vocal, Carnatic vocal and Western vocal lessons online) and online musical classes for learning instrumental music online (Indian music instruments like Tabla, Sitar etc and Western musical instruments lessons for Guitar, Violin etc). Online dance lessons are also offered by Divya Music. Divya Music is one of the top music schools in India and DM Live core branded online music and dance classes offer a unique experience of online music learning lessons with one-on-one, LIVE, REAL-TIME online music class for interactive learning sessions with your music / dance teacher � the music guru in India. These one �to �one online music classes or group online music classes offer the best of convenience and personal music teaching experience with personal music instructor, the music tutor. For further details on corses, fees and admission: MusicClassOnline.in
Divya Music is the best dance school in India and the first to introdure online dance classes. DM Live Core � the online dance learning classes include a one-on-one dance lessons experience of finer dance gestures details for the best in dancing education
online. The Dance school India online classes are LIVE Real-time dance classes online with personal
dance instructor, the dance guru. The dance lessons online include Indian classical dances, Indian folk dances and Global western dances.
For further details on corses, fees and admission: DanceClassOnline.in
For details on e-learning music courses and fees schedule please visit: E-Learning
» Do you guarantee the qualifications of music Gurus (music teachers) and dance instructors (dance Gurus) at Divya Music faculty?
Music School India - All of the music teachers (Sangeet Gurus) with Divya Music faculty are learned, highly qualified, experienced, senior music and dance professionals. Every music guru or dance guru has his / her own teaching style and may be according to the Guru - Shishya (Teacher - Student) pattern, for a particular student a Music Guru is very good but for another student may be not. This may be due to the student's desired style of learning, we help you select the right teacher for your individual level of learning and you can request for the selection or a change any time during your music education and dance education at DIVYA MUSIC. For further assistance you are welcome to contact the counselor at Divya Music: Contact Divya Music
» We wish to apply for the Divya Music franchise and we are capable of starting Divya music school franchise and Divya dance school franchise at multiple locations in India. What are the names of major large towns and cities in India between the populations of 300000 to 1000000 where Divya Music franchise is available?
Music School India - The name of the major cities / towns where Divya Music franchise is available has been mentioned on the Divya Music franchise page. Divya Music franchise is available in following major large towns and cities in India: Jammu, Panipat, Jalandhar, Patiala, Bikaner, Ajmer, Udaipur, Dehradun, Gorakhpur, Jhansi, Mathura, Moradabad, Saharanpur, Gaya, Durgapur, Asansol, Shiliguri, Cuttack, Raurkela, Jamshedpur, Bokaro, Bhilai, Korba, Ujjain, Amrawati, Kolhapur, Bhavnagar, Jamnagar, Nellore, Kochi, Guntur, Warangal, Nellore, Kozhikode, Erode, Salem, Tuticorin, Tiruppur, Mysore, Mangalore, Belgaum and Gulbarga etc.
For further details: Divya Music Franchise
» My Daughter has got an opportunity to participate in a popular music and dance reality show on television. How can Divya Music help her polish the singing skills and dancing skills for the Competition?
Music School India - Short duration television reality show / competition preparation classes are organized at Divya Music on individual training and group training basis. Divya Music conducts special music classes and dance classes for kids / children / young adults participating in the Indian television reality shows based on music � vocal and instrumental, singing and dance. The participants of the major Indian television reality shows receive special training on how to sing in reality shows and how to dance on TV reality show stage. The expert presentation tips for these music and dance competitions are provided, training on solo dancing and group dancing, solo singing and group singing and instrumental music performance is offered. Special training with music experts in audio / video studio to help assessment of singing and dancing skills by music industry judges and to prepare for the auditions of music and dance reality programs accordingly is also provided.
Expert tips on how to perform in front of audience and show judges, dressing, preparations, self introduction with an impressive performance and other valuable tips are provided during these teaching sessions with theory and practice classes. More
For music and dance courses syllabus - Syllabus / Curriculum
For details on music and dance classes - Class schedules
For music and dance school online admission - Admission
For vocal and instrumental music E-learning - Online music courses
For music & dance regular courses - Music & Dance Courses / Fees
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